trader joes

it seems like no matter what i buy, i always spend the same amount.  wine, fruit, veggies, frozen lunches. which is great for my budget but still kinda odd.

and can i say that i hate those little kid shopping carts. whoever thought those were a good idea should be forced to actually push one around the store after my toddler abandons it after a few minutes. i am short but not that short.

don’t get me started with the madness that is the parking lot. apparently people there have some serious road rage or just really need ther avocados and wine. i absolutely hate it when people sit there with their blinker on while i load a toddler, her doll, and all the groceries in to the jeep. if they are really impatient, like glaring or horn blowing, i tend to check facebook and email while i relax in the car for a few minutes. the most annoying part is that there is usually a parking space nearby, mine just happens to be closer to the door. 

at least they have great deals. like a good sized jar of coconut oil for $5.99 and $2.99 bottles of wine.

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